Monday, July 27, 2009

The Big 2!

Last night we celebrated Bo's 2nd birthday with Mickey and family! His birthday is tomorrow so we will spend the day celebrating our little guy! Bo is so fun to be around. He has such a friendly personality and is not to shy! He is becoming such a little guy. Some of his favorites right now are tractors (of course), Cars the movie, Shrek, swimming and playing in the water, mud puddles, running in the rain, pancakes, apple juice, mow-mow (mower), helping daddy around the house, getting up way to early! Some things he doesn't like, waking up from naps, dogs, cats, any animal really (I wonder where he gets that from??), getting his hair cut.

1 comment:

rachel b said...

looks like fun! brady's 2nd was mickey too!! ;)