The other day I didn't hear anything coming from Bo's room so I went to check on him and this is what I found, so sweet! He was in there for about a half hour looking through his books!
This is not Bo's first haircut but the first one I was able to get some pictures of him. Lately he has been asking for his haricut so this night we just put him up on the seat all by himself, instead of me holding him and as you can tell by the pics he went from being unsure to loving it!!
Gracie will be 4 weeks old tomorrow! The time is already flying by. She is still sleeping much of the day and pretty good at night. I am only having to feed her 2x through the night. She is having a little trouble going back to sleep after the first time when she wakes up (about 2:00). She is content during the day when she is awake. She likes laying on the play mat and looking around, she is very alert! Bo continues to love on her, he is just getting more interested in wanting to help with her. So we have to keep a close eye on him. He wants to pick her up and hold her all the time. We all are hanging in there and life doesn't feel to crazy right now, the adjustment isn't as bad as I thought it would be!!
Over the past few weekends Dave has been doing ALOT of yard work! Bo loves to be right there with him every step of the way! Last weekend Dave was out trimming the bushes by the barn and he turned around to see Bo pick up the biggest branch he could and started dragging it to the burn pile, so Dave quickly gathered a few branches himself and headed after him. He is growing up so fast and becoming quit the little man. He loves to help and be outside! These pics were last night when Dave went out to scout some fields, to check and see if they were dry enough to start planting, Bo just had to ride along!
Last week we went up to the Big Truck Night at the Lexington Elementary School. We thought that Bo would enjoy this time alone with Mom and Dad since his little world had just been flipped upside down with bringing home Gracie! Bo seemed to enjoy looking at all the big trucks (fire trucks, road grader, tractor, ambulance,school bus, semi, tow-truck, homeland security trailer and a humv) Of course his favorite was Mark's tractor that he gets to see quit often. He wasn't so sure about all the sirens, and horns honking. We will look forward to this event in the coming years as he gets bigger and can climb around more in them.The Cushman Bike His Favorite "the tractor"
We have made it through our first week with 2 little ones. The week went pretty smoothly. Bo is being such a good and loving big brother! I don't know how many kisses she gets from him but she is one very lucky little girl! Gracie is sleeping well and right now only gets up twice at night, hopefully this continues but we won't be suprised if it does change.